Miss Hot Rod SA Winning Categories

After carefully thinking this over and looking at different shows overseas and also considering all entrance fees go to charities, we have decided the more categories, the better. In the beginning, we wanted to make it a pure rockabilly pageant but what would be better for the charities....10 entrants or a few hundred? Also we give everybody a chance. After talking to sponsors and people in the industry, we have come up with the following categories....

Miss Hot Rod (Open Category but any look and style can win this including Rockabilly, Psychobilly etc.)
Miss Hot Rod Second Place overall (Any style and also free style so you can come as you are. Of-course any of the other winning categories can also win this category)
Miss Hot Rod Third Place overall (Any style and also free style so you can come as you are. Of-course any of the other winning categories can also win this category)
Miss Rockabilly
Little Miss Rockabilly
Miss Psychobilly
Miss Tattoo

Please see pictures below for examples.... (ALL SHAPES AND SIZES / STYLES / AGES WELCOME)